An update on my company! I wanted to wait till I went private before posting this! Love to you all!
December 2008
To Our Dear Family and Friends,
Happy Holidays to all of you! We hope this Christmas update finds you happy, healthy and enjoying this beautiful and joyful season.
I really can’t believe that this year is over and 2009 is right around the corner. It has been quite a year filled with many highs and many lows! However, we have come out of it much stronger and filled with gratitude for the blessings we have received!
Some of the highlights of 2008~
Jaz and babies moved back home!
Loni Anne went on her mission in July
Fonua Family Reunion in Utah
Finau Family Reunion in Idaho
Andi went on tour with Melissa from NY to Idaho promoting Melissa’s CD
Moved to a different house
Moved Sela from Pittsburgh to Utah
Lyla started working at the post office
As you can see life is business as usual but, of course it is mixed with lots of fun, sarcasm, way too much laughing and of course the occasional (daily) heated debate! Here is our 2008 update!
John-7 and in 1st grade, loves school this year and has played many sports, and perfected more video games! He has lots of friends at school and church and can hardly wait for Christmas! He enjoys reading, watching cartoons and playing on the computer. He keeps Dan and I young!
Spencer-13 and in 8th grade, is loving school and is very much a leader among his peers! He played football this year and, he is the basketball team manager. He loves scouts and his friends at church! He also was the water boy for Danny’s football team! He absolutely LOVED that, even though he heard many wise cracks from the bleachers…compliments of his awesome family and friends! Spencer continues to excel in his “people” skills and I am convinced that if he isn’t an ESPN reporter one day, he will be a politician (an honest one of course)! He was given the most prestigious award at his school last May. They told him that he exemplified everything the school stood for! I was o proud!
Andi-16 and in 10th grade, is doing well in school and is still very involved with her drama and music! She landed the lead role for the local community college production of High School Musical! She was an awesome Gabriella! She is now auditioning for “Thoroughly Modern Millie”. She placed 2nd place in a talent show at the high school, and just wrapped up a semester of voice lessons. Andi is a social butterfly and her calendar stays packed with events and outings with her friends! She has turned into my right arm (much to her dismay) and it seems as if life and home run smoother with her in charge!
Danny-17 and in 11th grade, is attending Parrott Academy in Kinston. He and his cousin Clark Jones are together and having way too much fun in my opinion! He is there on a football scholarship and played very well this last season. He made many great plays and it was neat to hear his name over the loud speaker so many times! He is now working on his eagle scout project and will hopefully have the work done for it by January 2nd. He is still very much a kid at heart when it comes to video games and sports. But, then he morphs into this young man when he is driving, lifting weights and dating a sweet young lady named Emily, who we have just grown to adore. It’s crazy to think he will go on his mission in just 2 years!
Sela-19 and a sophomore in college , is now living in Utah. She was attending Utah Valley University in Orem but, this semester she has transferred to LDS Business College in Salt Lake City. She is having the time of her life hanging out with her cousins, making great friends, shooting videos at 1 am in downtown SLC and going to a dance every weekend! She also has learned the hard way how NOT to drive in the snow as she slammed on the brakes and hit a median. Thanks to her our insurance agent LOVES us even more! She also does many responsible things too like, working at a marketing company, homework and attending church! Sela is very independent and hard working and we miss her so much when she is away from home!
Loni Anne-21 is now Sister Nock and currently serving a mission for, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! She is serving at the Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission. She will be serving until January 2010! She has been out since July 23rd and she loves it! She meets and teaches hundreds of people a week from all over the world! She recently was the director of the, “Call Referral Center” and has had the opportunity of serving with wonderful sisters, leaders and senior couples! One of the highlights thus far in her mission is that she had the opportunity to meet the prophet of our church, Thomas S. Monson along with both of his counselors! She loves this experience and has grown and matured even more! She has also experienced a lot of negative things such as the protestors of the Proposition 8 bill. We are so proud of her and all that she is doing. She would love to hear from any and all of you anytime! Her mailing address is…
Sister Nock
Utah SLC Temple Square Mission
50 N. West Temple Street
SLC, Utah 84150-1006
Jaz and the babies are back in NC!!! YEAH!!! I cannot express the joy we all feel having them back so close! The babies are so big and beautiful!
Donnie is 4 and is following in his Uncle John John’s footsteps. He loves video games, Star Wars and playing with his cousins! He is so sweet and helpful around the house and aspires to be a drummer and a Jabbawockeez dancer! He is such a Tongan!
Lyla is 2 and is so beautiful, sassy and very smart! She is so tender hearted and will usually sit in time out with her big brother even if she’s not in trouble! She loves baby dolls, coloring on herself with permanent markers and dancing! She is very animated and keeps us in stitches or on the edge of a nervous breakdown with her crazy antics!
Jaz is starting a new job in January and will also start school. She is wanting to major in computer programming and architecture. She loves photography, traveling and spending time with her family! She is doing the very best she can as a single mother and we are so proud of her desire to be the very best mother and daughter possible. She is convinced she will never re-marry or date again. However, she doesn’t know that my sisters and I are updating her profile on e-harmony and LDS Singles on a daily basis! (just kidding)
Dan is doing great but, he is getting grayer by the minute! I keep trying to introduce him to my friends Clairol and L’Oreal but he won’t hear of it! He is going on his 13th year (give or take) with Alside Window Co. He is a supervisor but says his job description is more like babysitter to 40 whiney grown-ups! He is serving as the Sunday School president and, as my assistant in every calling or job I volunteer for! He gets so mad at me sometimes and then I show him the pre-nup he signed…where it states that he will assist his wife in all her crazy affairs for the rest of their lives! Poor guy, he was especially HAPPY when I told the rec. center director that he would be more then happy to be John John’s basketball coach! Oh! you should’ve heard the groans at the dinner table over that one! He will do great I know it! He still has a passion for killing poor innocent fish in the ocean and has really taken an interest in genealogy work!
Lyla aka me! I am doing well and I have not yet gone postal! However, I have come very close! I am almost at my one year anniversary with them and it is an interesting and physically hard job! But, I am getting used to it! I am currently serving as a teacher in Relief Society, primary chorister and ward activities chairman! I love all my callings and all those I work with in the church! I am the PTA president at John’s school and I work with the best group of ladies there! We have a blast planning and organizing our kids school activities!
Dan and I are enjoying life with all the kids and the grandbabies and all the different activities they are involved in! We know that everyday with them is a gift from Heavenly Father!
Dan’s dad and my mom are doing so well! They are traveling lots to see their grandchildren do many things! We were so happy to have both of them here with us in July for Loni Anne’s amazing farewell weekend! They are the epitome of selfless love and service to all of us! We cannot imagine our lives without them!
We want you to know we think of you all often and, we thank you for your friendship and love you so willingly show us!
As life rolls by so quickly we are aware of the infinite love and goodness that we feel daily from our Heavenly Father! We cannot imagine our lives without Him in the center of it! I pray that this Christmas season we will all feel His love for each of us as we celebrate the birth of His son Jesus Christ! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!
Love, Dan and Lyla Nock and Family XOXO